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Ansel Augustine and Kevin FitzpatrickLocal alums Ansel Augustine, MPS, and Kevin Fitzpatrick, MPS, made possible a retreat for ninety-eight incarcerated men at the Rayburn Correctional Center in Angie, Louisiana. This past summer, Ansel, director of the Office of Black Catholic Ministries, facilitated the retreat with Sister Judy Gomila and Kevin.

In august 2023, thousands of youths gathered in Lisbon to celebrate World Youth Day. As part of the event, some AMECEA countries including Kenya, Malawi and Ethiopia were offered the opportunity to hoist the flags of their countries together with the flag of Portugal and the Vatican flag.

Dr. Deborah Wilhelm, adjunct faculty at LIM, celebrates the publication of Preaching Racial Justice, a volume she co-edited with Rev. Gregory Heille, OP, and Rev. Maurice Nutt, CSsR (Orbis Books 2023). The book responds to the need for Christian antiracism preaching.

LIM Director Tracey Lamont was the featured speaker at the First Friday Club of Greater Youngstown's gathering on July 6, 2023 in Canfield, Ohio. Watch a recording of Dr. Lamont's talk "Gen Z: Young Adult Spiritual and Human Development” GO»

Alumnus Kevin Fitzpatrick, M.P.S., recently wrote an article that was published in The Clarion Herald newspaper. In it, he reflects on his friend, a Marionist Brother, and how he lived his life in a way that reflects the sustaining power of the Eucharist. Read the article»

Kevin is the director of the Office of Justice and Peace, a ministry of Catholic Charities Archdiocese of New Orleans.

Becky Eldredge, MPS, recently launched Ignatian Ministries with her friend Kathy Powell and their team. Growing out of their on-demand retreats, the goal of Ignatian Ministries is "accompaniment, walking together and equipping people with the Ignatian tools to renew the heart of the church, its people." It offers community virtual retreats, professional development opportunities, live in-person retreats, and self-paced retreats. Learn more»

Congratulations to our recent Youngstown LIMEX graduates and their facilitator Terry Murphy! At the College of Nursing and Health Awards Ceremony in May, the Youngstown LIMEX learning group received the Loyola Institute for Ministry Kairos Award, given collectively to a LIM or LIM extension class that has demonstrated LIM's core values of  academic excellence and collaboration for ministry.

Meaghan McCarthy Silver, MS, MPS, was spotlighted in Saint Joseph Academy's "25 under 35." In her role as Pastoral Minister at St. Mark Catholic Church, she works closely with other parish staff to run the RCIA program for adults coming into the Catholic faith, oversees the sacramental preparation of children, volunteers with the Youth Group, coordinates seasonal programs such as the Advent Reflection, and organizes other opportunities for parishioners like young adult trivia nights.


On May 11, 2023, the faculty and graduates of the Loyola Institute for Ministry met virtually with colleagues from the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA) to discuss their shared work in promoting small Christian communities (SCCs) and synodality.

Dr. Emily Jendzejec reviewed Daniel Hendrickson's Jesuit Higher Education in a Secular Age: A Response to Charles Taylor and the Crisis of Fullness. Hendrickson's book is published by Georgetown University Press (2023); the press's website describes its focus:


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