Bachelor of Arts in Ministry and Theology to Master of Pastoral Studies (MPS) or Master of Religious Education (MRE)
This innovative Pathway Program enables you to build a robust theological and spiritual foundation while completing your undergraduate studies and then earning a master's degree. Through inspiring coursework with real-world implications, you'll develop the skills needed to become an effective, compassionate leader in diverse ministry settings, empowering both individual growth and community transformation.
Benefits of the Pathway Program
- Maximize your success: Students in this Loyola Institute for Ministry (LIM) online program earn two degrees, a Bachelor of Arts in Ministry and Theology plus a Master of Pastoral Studies or Master of Religious Education with fewer credit hours and for less money than it would take to earn both of them separately. Time to completion of degree may vary, however, based on a student's chosen Focus Area and the graduate course rotation.
- Competitive edge: Students can gain advanced skills and insights earlier, giving them an advantage in the job market.
- Simplified application process: Students don't need to apply to graduate school separately.
While listed courses total 156 credits, undergraduate students can apply up to 6 credits of graduate-level prescribed equivalency courses to both their BA and master's degree. The same courses count first toward the BA, then later toward the master's, reducing the graduate credits needed after BA completion by up to 6 credits.
- Loyola Core (36 credit hours)
- General Electives (54 credit hours)
- Undergraduate Major (30 credit hours)
- Graduate Major (36 credit hours)
This program is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS).
This degree is open to online students only.
Bachelor’s Degree Requirements
Loyola Core | 36 credit hours ›
Foundation Courses (9 credit hours)›
- English: (3 credits) ENGL-T122 Critical Reading & Writing
- Math (3 credits)
Select one:- MATH-T122 Math Models
- MATH-A115 Finite Math
- MATH A257 Calculus I (4 credits)
- Science (3 credits)
Select one:- SCIE-T129 Investigating Nature
- A course between numbers 100 and 499 with the A prefix from Biology (BIOL-A), Chemistry (CHEM-A), or Physics (PHYS-A)
Knowledge and Values Courses (27 credit hours)›
- Creative Arts and Cultures (3 credits)
Choose one course between numbers 200 and 499 with the O prefix from any of these departments:- Classical Humanities (CLHU-O)
- Mass Communication (CMMN-O)
- Dance (DANC-O)
- English (ENGL-O)
- French (FREN-O)
- Japanese (JPNS-O)
- Latin American Studies (LAS-O)
- Music General (MUGN-O)
- Spanish (SPAN-O)
- Theatre Arts (THEA-O)
- Visual Arts (VISA-O)
- History I: Emerging World (3 credits)
Choose one course between numbers 200 and 499 with the HIST-T prefix: - History II: Modern History (3 credits)
Choose one course between numbers 200 and 499 with the HIST-Q prefix - Natural Science in Context (3 credits)
Choose one course between numbers 200 and 499 from any of these departments:- Biology (BIOL-Y or BIOL-A)
- Chemistry (CHEM-Y) or CHEM-A
- Mathematics (MATH-Y)
- Physics (PHYS-Y or PHYS-A)
- Philosophy I: Introduction to the Philosophy of Reasoning (3 credits)
Choose one course between numbers 122 and 199 with the PHIL-R prefix - Philosophy II: Philosophy of Knowledge and Morality (3 credits)
Choose one course between numbers 200 and 499 with the PHIL-U or the PHIL-W prefix - Religious Studies I: Christian Tradition (3 credits)
Choose one course between numbers 200 and 499 with the RELS-S prefix. For students in the Ba to MPS or MRE program, this requirement is fulfilled in the undergraduate major. - Religious Studies II: World Religions Tradition (3 credits)
Choose one course between numbers 200 and 499 with the RELS-V prefix. - Social Science (3 credits)
Choose one course between numbers 200 and 499 with the X prefix from any of these departments:- Mass Communication (CMMN-X)
- Criminology and Justice (CRJU-X)
- Latin American Studies (LAS-X)
- Political Science (POLS-X)
- Psychology (PSYC-X)
- Sociology (SOCI-X)
- Teacher Education (TEAC-X)
General Electives | 54 credit hours ›
Students complete 54 credit hours of elective courses selected in consultation with their advisor.
Undergraduate Major Courses | 30 credit hours ›
Students select two graduate equivalency courses which fulfill both an undergraduate and graduate requirement.
- RELM-A300 Introduction to Ministry 1 (3 credits)
- RELM-A370 Christ and the Christian Tradition1 (3 credits)
- Scripture I (select 1) 2
- RELS-S249 Old Testament as Literature (3 credits)
- RELS-S247 New Testament as Literature (3 credits)
- RELM-C338 Introduction to the Bible for Ministry (3 credits)
- Scripture II (select 1) 2
- RELS-S220 Biblical Literature in Rome (3 credits)
- RELS-A300 Letters of Paul (3 credits)
- RELS-S336 Parables of Jesus (3 credits)
- RELM-C411 Biblical Apocalyptic, Prophecy & Wisdom (3 credits)
- Ethics (select 1) 3
- RELS-S242 Christian Ethics (3 credits)
- RELM-C344 Ethics for Ministers (3 credits)
- RELM-C330 Church and Sacraments 4 (3 credits)
- Ministry and Culture (select 1) 7
- RELM C346 Catholic Social Teaching (3 credits)
- RELM C3XX Ministry across Religions (3 credits)
- RELM-C430 Leadership in Ministry 5 (3 credits)
- RELM-C400 Religious Education in Theory and Practice 6 (3 credits)
- RELM-C496 Senior Seminar 1 (3 credits)
1 Required course that must be taken at the undergraduate level.
2 Graduate equivalency: LIM 711 Jewish Roots of Christian Faith, LIM 712 Christian Origins
3 Graduate equivalency: LIM 704 Spirituality, Morality, and Ethics
4 Graduate equivalency: LIM 722 Church, Sacraments, and Liturgy
5 Graduate equivalency: LIM 861 Pastoral Leadership and Organization
6 Graduate equivalency: LIM 837 Foundations of Religious Education, LIM 846 Catechetical Leadership
7 LIM is developing for its BA the new course RELM-C3XX Ministry across Religions. Once it is developed and approved, it will be available to fulfill requirements for this program.
Master of Pastoral Studies Degree Requirements
- LIM-G703 Introduction to Practical TheologyA (3 credits)
- LIM-G704 Spirituality, Morality, and EthicsA (3 credits)
- LIM-G711 Jewish Roots of Christian Faith: Introduction to the Old TestamentA (3 credits)
- LIM-G712 Christian Origins: Introduction to the New TestamentA (3 credits)
- LIM-G714 Grace, Christ, and SpiritA (3 credits)
- LIM-G722 Church, Sacraments, and LiturgyA (3 credits)
- Elective 1B
- Elelctive 2B
- Focus Area Course 1C (3 credits)
- Focus Area Course 2C (3 credits)
- LIM-G861 Pastoral Leadership and Organization (3 credits)
- LIM-G886 Pastoral and Educational Praxis (or LIM-G897 Practicum) for students in Pastoral Care concentration) (3 credits)
A Required course that must be taken at the graduate level.
B Select from LIM 746, 794, 809, 810, 813, 814, 819, 820, 826, 827, 828, 837, 838, 839, 844, 845, 846, 849, 870, 876, 885. Course descriptions here.
C Select from LIM 813, 814, 819, 820, 826, 827, 828, 844, 845, 849, 870, 876, 885. Focus Area descriptions here.
Master of Religious Education Degree Requirements
- LIM-G703 Introduction to Practical TheologyA (3 credits)
- LIM-G704 Spirituality, Morality, and EthicsA (3 credits)
- LIM-G711 Jewish Roots of Christian Faith: Introduction to the Old TestamentA (3 credits)
- LIM-G712 Christian Origins: Introduction to the New TestamentA (3 credits)
- LIM-G714 Grace, Christ, and SpiritA (3 credits)
- LIM-G722 Church, Sacraments & LiturgyA (3 credits)
- Elective 1B
- Elelctive 2B
- LIM-G837 Foundations of Religious Education (3 credits)
- LIM-G838 Curriculum Development (3 credits)
- Religious Education Course (select one)
- LIM-G839 Religious Education across the Curriculum (3 credits)
- LIM-G846 Catechetical Leadership (3 credits)
- LIM-G886 Pastoral and Educational Praxis (or LIM-G897 Practicum) for students in Pastoral Care concentration) (3 credits)
ARequired course that must be taken at the graduate level.
B Select from LIM 746, 794, 809, 810, 813, 814, 819, 820, 826, 827, 828, 837, 838, 839, 844, 845, 846, 849, 870, 876, 885. Course descriptions here.
Learn More
- Program Degree Worksheet ›
- Undergraduate Bulletin ›
- Master of Pastoral Studies ›
- Master of Religious Education ›
- Questions? Contact Judy Fontenot Lavergne at / 504-865-3399
Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies(BA) and Master of Pastoral Studies (MPS) or Master of Religious Education (MRE)
This program is in the process of discontinuation.