Sisters’ Leadership for Human Flourishing Conference
Join us for this online conference about Catholic social teaching (CST) and sisters' creative and collaborative leadership for integral human development.
All presenters are Catholic sisters in Eastern and Southern Africa. They have earned the Loyola University New Orleans Certificate in Theology & Ministry and Certificate in Catholic Social Teaching through participation in two projects, Catholic Sisters in Partnership for Sustainability and Living Charisms for Sustainable Human Development, both funded by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation's Catholic Sisters Initiative.
Dates and Times
January 15, 2022
January 22, 2022
United States (CST): 9am-11am
East Africa Time (EAT): 6-8pm
How To Attend
This conference will be held online via Zoom. It is free, and open to the public. You are welcome to attend one or both sessions. To attend both, register for each session separately to ensure that you will receive both links.
The sessions will be Zoom webinars, not Zoom meetings. This means that only the videos of the presenters and no other attendees will be visible. Attendees will be able to participate through Zoom chat and Q&A.
January 15: Trauma-Informed Ministries for Vulnerable Youth
Registration link for January 15 session:
Sisters will present about their experiences of collaborating with a youth-serving ministry in their congregation to develop and implement a strategic plan promoting trauma-informed care and integral human development. They will share ideas and advice for others interested in improving services for youth.
Presenters and their partner ministries:
Sr. Lucy Gacheri Gituma, CPS St. Vincent's Children's Home, South Africa
Sr. Maureen Ann Wanyora, IBVM Termination of Female Genital Mutilation Project, Kenya
Sr. Lucy Kimaro, Grail St. Theresa Girls Secondary School, Tanzania
Sr. Asteria Massawe, Grail Kisekibaha Girls' Centre, Tanzania
Sr. Anne Wandia Mbithi, FMSA Hands of Care & Hope Out of School Youth Program, Kenya
January 22: Catholic Social Teaching for Congregational Transformation
Registration link for January 22 session:
Sisters will present about their experiences of leading a "congregational examen" process to empower their communities to discern how to integrate charism, mission, and CST's commitment to integral human development. They will share wisdom they have gained about how to help their congregations more vibrantly live out their charism and the Gospel.
Presenters and their congregations:
Sr. Jane Frances Mulongo, IBVM Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary/Loreto Sisters
Sr. Avelina Kimaryo Grail Sisters
Sr. Teresia Mbugua, CPS Missionary Sisters of the Precious Blood
Sr. Charity Bbalo, SHS Sisters of the Holy Spirit, Monze
Sr. Lucy Mbuya, CDNK Sisters of Our Lady of Kilimanjaro