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Liturgical Music Intensive
Spiritual Formation, Music Ministry, and the Psalms

Schedule Details

  • Students will receive a Loyola email address. Students will be alerted by Loyola email when the online course and its material is made available on Wednesday January 12. The class officially starts January 18. 
  • Students are encouraged to attend the four synchronous class meetings listed below. During those weeks when they cannot attend synchronous meetings, they will have the opportunity to engage with instructors and classmates asynchronously on a threaded discussion board. Attending the synchronous meetings means that students don't need to participate asynchronously on discussion board.

Week 1, January 18-25: Scripture        

A.   Spirituality of Scripture

B.   Spiritual practices for encountering Christ in Scripture 

Optional Live/Synchronous Class Meeting--January 25, 7PM CST


Week 2, January 26-February 1: Lectionary

A.   Spirituality of the Lectionary 

B.   Choosing music informed by the lectionary to form the faith community

Optional Live/Synchronous Class Meeting--February 1, 7PM CST


Week 3, February 2-8: Psalms 1

A.    Spirituality of the Psalms

B.    Psalm music settings as entry points for encountering Christ

Optional Live/Synchronous Class Meeting--February 8, 7PM CST


Week 4: Psalms 2, February 9-15

A.     The Psalms, the body, and emotions

B.     Enhancing the experience of the Psalms in worship

      Optional Live/Synchronous Class Meeting--February 15, 7PM CST


For more information and to register: