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"The Transformative Power of Story Sharing: Synodality and the Church" | January 22, 2025
This inspiring webinar features six Loyola Institute for Ministry (LIM) students as they share how their course on synodality and their experiences in Rome have transformed their understanding of the Church and their ministries. Through personal stories of listening, dialogue and shared discernment, they offer a vision for a more inclusive and collaborative Church, inspiring hope and renewal for the future of ministry.
"Inspiration across Generations: The Art of Storytelling and Listening in Ministry with Young People" | November 18, 2024
Sr. Bonnie Kearney, RSCJ, and Loyola graduate Leila Jones explore the transformative power of intergenerational storytelling in ministry. Their connection, formed through LIM's Flourishing Sisterhood podcast project, demonstrates how sharing stories across generations enriches faith communities and strengthens ministry with young people. Claire Gallagher, Associate Director of the Flourishing Sisterhood project, moderates this interactive session, which explores practical strategies for incorporating storytelling into teaching and ministry work, fostering empathy, and building deeper relationships with young people.
More videos are available on LIM's YouTube Channel.
Tom Ryan, Ph.D., "An Online Discussion of Laudate Deum." Oct. 26, 2023. Webinar.
Cirecie West-Olatunji, Ph.D.; Maria Luisa (Mary Lou) Aldape, STJ, M.Ed, Ed.S.; Miriam Maclean, RSM, Ph.D., LCSW "Ministry through Trauma: Wisdom for & From Catholic Sisters," Dec. 13, 2022. Webinar. A panel discussion offering hope and practical wisdom for trauma-informed ministry. This webinar is particularly relevant for Catholic sisters and others serving communities after challenging experiences.
This event is part of Flourishing Sisterhood: Nourishing Communities in the Gulf South, a project of the Loyola Institute for Ministry funded by a grant from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation.
Tom Ryan, Ph.D., and Deborah Wilhelm, D.Min.,"Embodying the Word: Liturgy, Lectionary, and Life," Nov. 30, 2022. Webinar. LIM professors and co-authors of GIA Publications' Living the Word: Scripture Reflections and Commentaries for Sundays and Holy Days for Year A reflect on their experience of writing it and the implications of their work for proclaiming and preaching the Word.
Karen Baker, M.P.S., "Book Signing." Oct. 19, 2022. LIM alumna shares the experiences that influenced her book Faith, Hope, and a Sense of Humor: How to Survive and Thrive on the Front Lines of Parish Life (Our Sunday Visitor, 2022).
Tracey Lamont, Ph.D., "Online Teaching: Sharing Best Practices and Challenges," March 24, 2020. Webinar and Discussion. To view a list of "Resources for Teaching Remotely" assembled by Dr. Lamont, GO»
Paul Jarzembowski, M.A.P.S., "Rising from the Ashes: Reconnecting Young Adults to Church through Moments of Return," January 25, 2018. Webinar.
Christopher Bellitto, Ph.D., "Honoring Our Elders: A Biblical Spirituality," March 6, 2018. Webinar.
Dr. Carol Ann MacGregor, Ph.D., "From Nuns to Nones: The Lapsed Catholic in Socio-Demographic Perspective," October 20, 2018. Webinar.
Debbie Shinskie, "Respect Life: Our Archdiocesan Approach," January 17, 2017. Webinar.
Susanne Dietzel, Ph.D. "Restoring Hope for Victims of Human Trafficking," February 6, 2017. Webinar.
Fr. Allan Weinert, C.Ss.R. "Respect Life: Addressing the Death Penalty," March 6, 2017. Webinar.
Kate Hennessy. "Dorothy Day: The World Will Be Saved by Beauty." March 23, 2017. Webinar and presentation at Loyola University New Orleans, Ignatius Chapel.
Michael D. O'Brien. "The Role of Faith and Culture in an Era of Dehumanization: Renewing the Family, the Church, the World," June 12, 2017. Webinar.
Becky Eldredge, M.P.S., "Advent: Anticipating Encounter, Awaiting Accompaniment, " November 29, 2017. Webinar.
Sue Weishar, Ph.D. "Organizing Catholic Teach-Ins on Migration in Your Faith Community, January 21, 2016. Webinar.
Catholic Sisters of Magnificat House. "A Discerning Faith: Conversation with the Women of Magnificat House of Discernment," March 7, 2016. Webinar.
Tom Roberts. "From Faith to Certainty: A Modern Catholic Journey," April 11, 2016. Webinar.
Michael A. Cowan, Ph.D. "A Practical Spirituality of Civic Life," May 16, 2016. Webinar.
Tracey Lamont, Ph.D. "New Directions in Young Adult Ministry," November 16, 2016. Webinar.
Deacon William Ditewig, Ph.D. "Update on the Diaconate." December 5, 2016. Webinar.
Fr. Eduardo Scarel, O.Carm. "My Friend the Pope and His Perspective on Creation," January 23, 2015. Webinar.
Diana Macalintal, M.A. "Prayer: Turning the Ordinary into Extraordinary Moments of Grace," February 19, 2015. Webinar.
Fr. Paul S. Manning, M.Div. "Entrusting Ourselves to the Mission: Mark's Gospel in Lent," March 3, 2015. Webinar.
Br. Elliott Maloney, O.S.B., Ph.D. “Presentation on His Book St. Paul, Master of the Spiritual Life ‘In Christ’," March 5, 2015.Webinar.
Tom Ryan, Ph.D. "Pope Francis on the Environment." June 30, 2015. Webinar.
Cheridan Sanders. "Flipping the Script: Evangelizing by Telling Women's Stories." August 11, 2015.
Timothy O'Malley, Ph.D. "The Sacramental Gift of Family Life: A Theological and Pastoral Response to the World Meeting of Families," October 8, 2015. Webinar.
Juan Lorenzo Hinojosa, Ph.D. "Mission and Solidarity: A New Perspective," November 12, 2015. Webinar.
Sr. Dot Trosclair, O.P. "An Advent Spirituality." December 3, 2015. Webinar.
Kathleen O'Gorman, Ed.D. "Epiphany: Overcome by the Wonder of It All," January 7, 2014. Webinar.
Michael Brough, M.P.S. "Best Practices in Parish Leadership," February 11, 2014. Webinar.
Tom Ryan, Ph.D. "Beads and Bodies: A Mardi Gras Spirituality for New Orleans and Beyond," February 25, 2014. Webinar.
Sr. Julie Vieira, I.H.M., M.A. "I Have Called You By Your Username, You Are Mine: Reimagining Ministry and Vocation in an Online World," April 8, 2014. Webinar.
Theresa O'Keefe, Ph.D. "Youth Ministry in a Busy World," May 16, 2014. Webinar.
Ansel Augustine, D.Min. "Engaging the Next Generation of Ministry Leaders: Reaching our Youth and Young Adults," June 24, 2014. Webinar.
William Thiele, Ph.D. "Seeking God in a Frantic Culture," August 12, 2014. Webinar.
Sr. Dot Trosclair, O.P. "What is Spiritual Direction?", September 2, 2014. Webinar.
Hosffman Ospino, Ph.D. "The Immigrant Church: Yesterday and Today," October 14, 2014. Webinar.
Mary Birmingham, “A Day’s Journey Through the Pre-Catechumenate and Catechumenate,” Nov. 14, 2014. Workshop co-sponsored by the Office of Religious Education of the Archdiocese of New Orleans and LIM.
Marcellino D'Ambrosio, Ph.D. "Meeting the Saints: Early Church Fathers, Who They Were and Why They Matter," November 18, 2014. Webinar.
Daniella Zsupan-Jerome, Ph.D. “Celebration of ‘Connected Toward Communion: The Church and Social Communication in the Digital Age’,” December 2, 2014. Webinar.
Barbara Fleischer, Ph.D. "Spirituality at Work," January 10, 2013. Webinar.
Reverend William Barnwell, "'The Intrusion of Grace' in the Stories of Flannery O'Connor,” February 28, 2013. Webinar.
Fr. James Carter, S.J., Ph.D. "God, Quarks, Tadpoles, and My Faith," Tuesday May 14, 2013. Webinar.
Michael Cowan, Ph.D. "Faith vs. Belief: Implications for Discipleship Today," June 18, 2013. Webinar.
Fr. Ben Berinti, C.P.p.S., Ph.D. "Visio Divina: A Source for the 'Art' of Practical Theology," August 20, 2013. Webinar.
Bob McCarty, D.Min., and Charlotte McCorquedale, Ph.D. "Go and Make Disciples: Strategic Directions for Ministry with the Young Church" on October 4, 2013. Webinar.
Ansel Augustine, M.P.S. "Multi-Cultural Ministry and the New Evangelization," November 18, 2013. Webinar.
Gilberto Ruiz, Ph.D., "The Challenge of the Infancy Narratives," December 10, 2013. Webinar.
Daniella Zsupan-Jerome, Ph.D. “Proclaiming the Good News in a Digital Age: Exploring Internet-Mediated Communication for Ministry." Webinar.
Evelyn Thibeaux, Ph.D. "Images of Mary in the New Testament." Webinar.
Eduardo Fernandez, S.J. "Latino/a Ministry in the Church Today." Webinar.
Bishop William Skylstad and Dan DiLeo, Ph.D. "Catholics and the Climate: Fostering Mission-Based Sustainability," February 8, 2012. Webinar.
Sr. Terri Bednarz, R.S.M., Ph.D. "Humor in the Gospel of Luke: The Rhetoric of Just Living," April 11, 2012. Webinar.
Tom Ryan, Ph.D. “Eucharist and Adoration," June 4, 2012. Webinar.
Jim O'Neill, Ed.D., L.P.C. "'…AS YOU LOVE YOURSELF': The Minister's Challenge," August 8, 2012. Webinar.
Bob McCarty, D.Min., and Charlotte McCorquodale, Ph.D. "Emerging Trends in Catholic Youth Ministry: The Pain and the Promise," September 25, 2012. Webinar.
Archbishop Gregory Aymond, "Catholic Perspectives on Voting," October 22, 2012. Webinar.
Fr. Fred Kammer, S.J., J.D. "Reflections on the Election," November 14, 2012. Webinar.
Daniella Zsupan-Jerome, Ph.D. "What's New About the New Evangelization?", December 4, 2012. Webinar.
Archive of Events in Partnership with the Catholic Press Association
Fr. Tom Rosica, C.S.B., "Reflections on Pope Francis." 2015. Webinar.
Jeannine Marino, Tony Spence, and Laura Deavers, "Year of Faith." October 4, 2012. Webinar. Moderated by Tom Ryan and Peter Finney.
Fr. Elias Mallon, S.A., and Fr. Drew Christiansen, S.J., "Christianity in the Middle East." Sept. 26, 2012. Webinar. Moderated by Tom Ryan and Peter Finney.
Matt Gambino and Matt Ferrare, "Digital Advertising for the Catholic Press." Sept. 17, 2014. Webinar. Moderated by Tom Ryan and Peter Finney.
Archive of Webinars in Partnership with the USCCB's National Advisory Team on Young Adult Ministry
To view these webinars from the period Nov. 2018–July 2021, please click here.