Carol Lenox, MPS, is inspired by spirituality's connectedness to nature. Her article "The Exterior Silence of the Forest--Merton's Guidance for Environmentalists" draws together her work as an environmental researcher in North Carolina with her interestest in Creation theology. About this article, published in the Spring 2021 issue of The Merton Seasonal: A Quarterly Review, she says, "The path that led to this definitely has much of its origin in my studies at Loyola. In fact, in the article I use 2 quotes from the Berry Collection." The Thomas Berry Collection at Loyola’s Institute for Ministry houses recordings and writings of "geologian" Thomas Berry. In fact, Carol has created a series of creation-centered retreats based on these materials.
LIM students, faculty, and staff may access the article digitally through the Literary Reference Center Plus Database in the collection of the Monroe Library.