Interested in Teaching in a Catholic School?
Every year Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of New Orleans (and elsewhere) seek out qualified teachers. Learn how you can get one of these jobs and therefore help to form and transform the next generation of young people. Find out what is required, hear the experience of Loyola graduates, learn how to apply.
Meet with:
- Dr. Mark Williams, Associate Superintendent for Secondary Schools, Archdiocese of New Orleans
- Recent Loyola graduates teaching in Catholic schools
- Loyola's Catholic Studies program and the Loyola Institute for Ministry, both of which can help you prepare to teach
Tuesday March 15
Information session on Teaching in Catholic Schools
6:15-7:00 Holy Name of Jesus Parish Center, 6220 LaSalle Place
You are also most welcome to:
5:30: Mass in Holy Name of Jesus Adoration Chapel, 6220 LaSalle Place
6:00: Dinner in Holy Name of Jesus Parish Center, 6220 LaSalle Place
All Loyola students are welcome!
Co-sponsored by Loyola's Catholic Studies Program and the Loyola Institute for Ministry