Application ♦ Fee ♦ Regalia ♦ Grad Fair ♦ Announcements and Rings ♦ Commencement Events ♦ RSVP Form ♦
Disability Accommodation or Special Assistance ♦ University Commencement Website ♦ For More Information
Deadline: Friday, October 18, 2024
If you will finish your degree requirements in May (Spring 2025), or August (Summer 2025), or December (Fall 2025) of the calendar year 2025, your Commencement ceremony is held in May 2025.
If you are completing your degree during any semester of the calendar year 2025, you MUST "apply for graduation" now. Although you are not required to come to New Orleans and take part in the Commencement ceremony, you are required to "apply" for your expected completion of your degree (your graduation).
If this is you, please go to your LORA Self-Service app in the Single Sign On, find the "Graduation Application" tab, and submit your application for the Semester/Term that you will be "graduating" (finishing all of your requirements.
PLEASE NOTE: If you are planning to participate in Loyola's Commencement ceremony, you are only eligible to participate in will be the one held on May 10, 2025.
Graduation Policies
Additional information regarding eligibility for graduation for undergraduate and graduate students, cost, diplomas, and more can be found here.
If you have questions about your eligibility for graduation or about emails you have received about graduation, please contact LIM's Manager of Student Services Judy Fontenot Lavergne / 504-865-3399.
All graduating students, regardless of their participation in the commencement ceremony, will be charged a graduation fee of $340. For students participating in the commencement ceremony, this fee will also include the cost of the regalia (cap and gown), diploma, and leather cover.
Graduate and undergraduate students will be able to order their regalia online. Candidates for graduation will receive an email from the Registrar's office with a link to order regalia online for pickup at the Grad Fair or home shipping (fee applies to ship to home option only). Regalia (without cords or hoods) is encouraged to be worn by graduates to the College of Nursing and Health Baccalaureate Mass on Friday, May 9, 2025. However, regalia will not be worn by graduates to the LIM Vigil Mass on Saturday, May 10, 2025. Regalia is required to participate in the commencement ceremony, Saturday, May 10, 2025. Deadlines for ordering regalia are:
Deadline (To Be Determined) to Order Regalia Online for Pick Up at Grad Fair (Grad Fair is on the N.O. Loyola Campus March 17-18, 2025)
Deadline (To Be Determined) to Order Regalia Online for Shipment to Home Address (shipping fee applies)
Graduation announcements and class rings may be ordered from Balfour.
- Where: (To Be Determined)
- Dates: March 17-18, 2025
- Monday, March 17: 10 am to 3 pm
- Tuesday, March 18: 11 am to 6 pm
- Wednesday, March 19: Law Students Only
RSVP for Loyola Institute for Ministry Vigil Mass and Reception / May 10, 2025 / 4:00 pm CT
The Loyola Institute for Ministry celebrates a Vigil Mass immediately followed by a reception for our graduates and their guests on Saturday afternoon, May 10. Please complete this form if you plan to attend the LIM Vigil Mass and Reception on May 10.
Schedule of Events for Graduates and Their Guests / May 9 – 10, 2025
Friday, May 9, 2025
Tickets are not required for on-campus events.
2 pm | College of Nursing and Health Awards Convocation | Nunumaker Auditorium (Monroe Hall, 3rd floor) | LUNO Map
Graduate and undergraduate students wear their caps and gowns (without cords or hoods) to this event.
3 pm | College of Nursing and Health / College of Arts and Sciences / College of Business / College of Music and Media Baccalaureate Mass | Holy Name of Jesus Church | LUNO Map
Loyola Institute for Ministry graduates are in the College of Nursing and Health and, as such, are invited to attend this Baccalaureate Mass. Graduate and undergraduate students wear their caps and gowns (without cords or hoods) to this event.
5 pm | City College Reception for Online Students | Location TBD | LUNO Map
This event is for all graduates who studied online, including Loyola Institute for Ministry graduates. Graduate and undergraduate students do not wear regalia (their caps and gowns) to this event.
Saturday, May 10, 2025
10 am | Undergraduate and Graduate Commencement Ceremony | New Orleans Superdome
Tickets are not required for guest entry to the Loyola Commencement ceremonies at the Superdome. Please be sure to adhere to the Superdome's bag policy, illustgrated in the graphic below.
The ceremony will be livestreamed on Loyola's YouTube channel.
4 pm | Loyola Institute for Ministry Vigil Mass | The new Chapel of St. Ignatius Loyola, Loyola University | LUNO Map
You are cordially invited to attend a Vigil Mass on Saturday, May 10, at 4 pm on Loyola's campus. A missioning ceremony takes place during the Mass. A reception follows. We will post an RSVP form for you to submit; our RSVP form will also ask if you would be willing to participate in the liturgy as a lector, Eucharistic minister, or gift bearer during the offertory, for the 4pm Saturday Vigil Mass.
Graduate and undergraduate students do not wear their regalia to this event.
5 pm | Loyola Institute for Ministry Reception | Whitney Room in Thomas Hall, Loyola University | LUNO Map
LIM graduates and their guests are invited to a reception following the Vigil Mass. Light refreshments will be served. Graduate and undergraduate students do not wear their regalia to this event. Please complete this form if you plan to attend the LIM Vigil Mass and Reception on May 10.
On-Campus Events
Loyola campus parking facilities will be open with free parking May 9 – 10, 2025 for commencement activities. Loyola University Police will be directing traffic. Only vehicles with a disabled tag may park in spots designated for disabled parking on campus.
Disability Accommodation or Special Assistance
Guests who may need special assistance or accessible seating will be accommodated. If a graduate needs special assistance at the commencement ceremony or any of the celebrations, please contact Judy Fontenot Lavergne by May 1, 2025.
For More Information
Please contact Judy Fontenot Lavergne with questions or for disability accommodations.