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CEUs to Credit Hours Conversion

A Pathway to Achieving Your Academic Goals

As a student who has taken LIM courses at the CEU level, you may take the same or similar courses for undergraduate or graduate credit by paying the difference between what you originally paid for the CEU credit and the current cost of LIM’s undergraduate or graduate tuition.

Students Pursuing Undergraduate Credit

If you do not have an undergraduate degree, you will be able to pursue undergraduate credit for the difference between what you paid for the CEU credit and what undergraduate credit currently costs. Students who earned CEU credit in the Spanish-language program are eligible to participate, though they must do so in English. To earn undergraduate credit, you must

  • be admitted to the Bachelor of Arts degree in Ministry and Theology

  • take independent study courses and receive undergraduate credit for the RELM course analogous to the LIM CEU courses they took within the previous 6 terms (fall, spring, and summer).

  • complete independent study courses by

  • reading all material assigned for the courses.

  • meeting with an adjunct faculty member once midway through the readings and once at the end of the readings to discuss readings.

  • writing the papers assigned for the online courses.

If you took LIM courses for CEU credit earlier than in the previous 6 terms, you are eligible to take as many regularly scheduled RELM courses at the reduced rate as you took at the CEU rate. To complete the Bachelor of Arts degree in Ministry and Theology, you pay regular tuition rates for any courses beyond the number of CEU courses you took.

If you have undergraduate credits you earned at another institution, they may be able to transfer those credits. See the Undergraduate Bulletin for more information.

Students Pursuing Graduate Credit Who Earned an Undergraduate Degree after Taking LIM Courses

If you took CEU courses in either the English or Spanish-language programs and did not have an undergraduate degree when you did so, but subsequently earned an undergraduate degree, you may take as many LIM graduate courses at the reduced rate as you took at the CEU rate and would pay regular tuition rates for any LIM graduate courses beyond the number of CEU courses you took. 

Students Pursuing Graduate Credit Who Had an Undergraduate Degree while Taking LIM Courses

If you took CEU courses in either the English or Spanish-language programs and had an undergraduate degree when you did so, you are able to take graduate-level courses and must take

  • the entire Introduction to Practical Theology course in English with other graduate students at the reduced rate.

  • one other course in LIM’s theological core (LIM 704, 711, 712, 714, or 722) in English with other graduate students at the reduced rate.

  • the four remaining courses in LIM’s theological core as independent studies at the reduced rate, which would entail 

  • reading all material assigned for the English courses.

  • meeting with the faculty member once midway through the readings and once at the end of the readings to discuss readings.

  • writing in English the papers assigned for the English online courses.

You would pay regular tuition rates for any graduate-level courses you did not take at the CEU level.

Getting Started

  • If you are interested in undergraduate credit, apply now to the Bachelor of Arts in Ministry and Theology program GO»

  • If you are interested in graduate credit and earned a bachelor's degree after completing your LIM courses, what?

  • If you are interested in graduate credit and already had a bachelor's degree while completing your LIM courses, what?


Please contact Assistant to the Director Debi Mahr | | 504-865-3079