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Walter Poussin is from Lafayette, LA and studies with LIM on campus.  His ministry is music, and, as his website indicates, he performs in sacred and secular venues alike.

Recent LIM graduate, Kate Coyne, M.R.E. '12 is presently the Director of Religious education for St. Pius X Parish in New Orleans, Louisiana. Recently, the Clarion Herald published an article pertaining to Kate’s work regarding the “Faith and Families” program she brought to her parish that combines intergenerational faith formation with a meal. To learn more about the program, please read the Clarion Herald’s story at   


At the Annual Catechetical Ministry Awards & Appreciation Supper, Archbishop of Louisville and Vice President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Joseph Kurtz honored more than 100 people.

Former LIM student Joseph Galloway wrote  Baked Oysters: A Thanksgiving Encounter.  

Set in New Orleans in Thanksgiving, it is an inspirational story about healing and finding peace.  Joe is a financial advisor in upstate South Carolina. For more information, please see  

Skya's interests range wide, which her professional credentials as a sociologist and doctor of oriental medicine show, but her commitment to practical thelogy and lay ministry are evident in her new text. The book jacket describes it well:

Graduate Oanh Ngo has a long list of achievements and honors, including receiving the Archdiocese of St. Louis's Ruth Award (2007) and the O'Fallon, IL, Chamber of Commerce's Citizenship Award in Ministry (2007) and founding the Agapae Life Design Center and Coaching Service (2006). Her latest honor is appearing on Fr. Mike Manning's Word in the World television show. In the 03/26/2012 episode "Love Remains," Fr.

<p>Dr. Ebrahim presented with current master&#39;s students Ari Evans and Alison Philips at the Louisiana Career Development Association&rsquo;s annual conference in Baton Rouge last month. The subject matter was <em>Recognizing the Impact of Group Dynamics in Classroom and Supervision Settings.</em></p>

Viveca Johnson is graduating in May of this year and looking forward to starting her career as a counselor. I spoke to her about her hopes for the future and her advice for new students.


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