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Dr. Emily Jendzejec reviewed Daniel Hendrickson's Jesuit Higher Education in a Secular Age: A Response to Charles Taylor and the Crisis of Fullness. Hendrickson's book is published by Georgetown University Press (2023); the press's website describes its focus:

Ansel Augustine, D.Min, recently shared his thoughts on the readings for the fourth Sunday of Easter (April 30, 2023) with the audience of US Catholic. By asking the question, "How can we be church in the world?", Ansel opens a reflection on being truly present to those around us, sharing their struggles, and living our faith in the process. Read the article and watch the video here.

Fr. Joseph Onyait, who has studied at LIM focused on Small Christian Communities, embarked on an ambitious plan to train facilitators in the Diocese of Soroti in Uganda so that they might lead Small Christian Communities in their parishes. He helped to create a plan to train catechists, Parish Council members, and parish priests, among others, and presented it to the Bishop of Soroti, Rev. Dr. Joseph Eciru Oliach. 

Dr. Cherie Burke, Director of the School of Nursing and Director of the Nurse Anesthesia Program has received her second doctoral degree in May 2023. Her Ph.D. was awarded from Duquesne University. 

Dean Collins has written an invited blog for the series Call the Midwife since its inception. Click to read more

Congratulations to Dr. Melissa LeBrun, Family Nurse Practioner Program Director, who passed her certifcation fo the Associate in Infection Prevention and Epidemiology (a-IPC). She has also accepted a position on teh Finance, Capital Development and Marketing Committee for the National Organization of Nurse Practicioner Faculty. 

On March 14, 2023, Loyola Institute for Ministry Interim Director Tracey Lamont received notice from Loyola Provost Dr. Tanuja Singh that her application for promotion in rank and tenure has been accepted. As of August 1 of this year, she will be a tenured Associate Professor of Religious Education and Young Adult Ministry.  Congratulations Dr. Lamont!

On March 19, 2023 in the Diocese of Portland, ME, Daniel Maloney, C.P.S., was ordained by Bishop Robert Deeley in a ceremony held at St. Martha Church in Kennebunk. Read about Daniel's journey and his ministry helping people overcome substance use here.

When sharing the news of his ordination with LIM faculty member Dr. Tom Ryan, Daniel noted that LIM "empowered me to complete the academic task and ultimately formation for the Diaconate." 

Below is a video of Daniel's ordination. 

The International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement published "The Transformative Potential of Service-Learning in an African Religious Context," co-authored by Sarah DeMarais (LIM Associate Project Director), Dr. Steve Mumford (University of New Orleans), and Dr. Tom Ryan (Loyola's Interim VP of Mission and Identity and Professor of Theology and Ministry). The article explores insights from LIM's recent Conrad N.

As part of the Special Issue Catholic Education and Pope Francis’ Dream for a Synodal Church, the journal Religions published Dr. Lamont's article "From Change to Transformation: Living Synodality in Ministry with Young Adults." In it, she explains ministry with young people will be more effective if leaders embrace a transformational curricular framework rooted in a theology of synodality. Read online»


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