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Welch Allyn Information

Welch Allyn Medical Equipment

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For FNP students taking Health Assessment ONLY:

Students are expected to have the necessary equipment when faculty visit the clinical sites, which can be purchased through Welch Allyn. To allow for adequate delivery time, you should place your Welch Allyn order(s) 4-6 weeks (or as early as possible) before beginning your Advanced Health Assessment theory and practicum. Investing in this equipment is critical to your success in acquiring the fundamental skills needed in clinical practice.

The equipment you will be required to have is outlined in the table below. To place your order, follow the link above. Click on Loyola on the left-hand sidebar. On the next page, enter 1754999 as the password. You are not required to order from Welch Allyn, but they do provide a reduced student rate. You can see the list price vs. student price on the order form. No matter where you order from, you must have all of the equipment listed. You have an option for which diagnostic set you choose, but it must be one of the options below:

Code Description Recommendation
97800-MCL Diagnostic Set w/ PanOptic & Nicad Handle (OPTION A) A OR B
97200-MCL Diagnostic Set w/ Nicad Handle (OPTION B) A OR B
N/A Littman Cardiology Stethoscope REQUIRED
52432-U Disp. Ear Specula 2.5 mm Ped REQUIRED
52434-U Disp. Ear Specula 4.0 mm Adult REQUIRED
Not Listed Taylor Reflex Hammer (Triangle) REQUIRED


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