The Ignatian Awards for Outstanding Senior and Graduate Students were announced earlier this week. The awards are given annually to those students who represent Loyola University New Orleans and its commitment to Ignatian values with distinction and honor. The awards will be formally presented at the Baccalaureate Mass on Friday, May 11 at 4 p.m. The 2012 Spirit of Ignatius Award for outstanding graduating law student will be presented at the law graduation Mass on Thursday, May 10 at 3:30 p.m.
The Ignatian Awards are the highest awards presented by the university to a graduating student. The recipient must have a distinguished, pronounced involvement in the life of the university, represent Loyola with honor and distinction and possess a strong commitment to faith. In addition to maintaining a distinguished grade point average, the award winner must demonstrate devotion to the integrity of life and providing service to others, among other Ignatian and Jesuit values.
The selection committee for outstanding graduate student is the Graduate Council, comprised of directors of each graduate program at Loyola.